Create a GoDaddy account

Here's how to create a new GoDaddy account without purchasing any products - for example, you've been invited to access an account and you need your own account to accept that invitation.

  1. Go to
  2. Click Sign In, and then in the New Customer area, click Create My Account.
  3. Complete the onscreen fields, and then click Create Account.

Find your customer number

We assign everyone a customer number as another way to confirm your identity when you call our Support team. You don't need your customer number to log in, and it's different from your Support PIN. Follow these steps to find your customer number.


  1. Log in to your GoDaddy account.
  2. Click this icon in the upper-right corner:
    click person icon

    Your customer number appears below your name.
    login menu expanded to show customer number

  3. If you were really looking for your Support PIN, click View below your customer number. Your Current PIN appears in the Support PIN section.

Share Customer ID with us for domain transfer

in this video you will see how Smart E Touch transfer domain to your customer ID :