Customers are using Webmail which is totally un-managed service,
Using POP3 email clients like Outlook [How], Thunderbird [How] download emails directly to user's computer and hence it free up space on server.
But when user check email on webmail, email remains on server and uses disk space.
Webmail default storage capacity is 250 mb, exceeding this capacity server refuses receiving new email, lacking information exchange interrupts business.
In order to free server space two steps has to be followed :
1. Configure email with outlook using existing password. [How]
2. Deleting emails in Webmail properly. [How]
Instructions for customer support team :
Inform customer with pop3 settings and configuring
Currently details settings are as follows
username : <customer email>
Password : <email password set by customer>
incoming server : Port 995
outgoing server : Port 465
If client is not aware about webmail, kindly help them.
If client is not aware of their email password, reset and share new password with them, [ Also suggest to change password on first login ]