this section will guide you through rest of the food allergy script implementation proecss

Steps for implementing food allergy script :

0. Create database  with foodallergy with id,allergy,image

1. update manage\allergy_view.php file.

2. updating manage\filter_category_takeaway.php file

3. adding last jquery line in admin_js.js file.

4. create allergy column on item_takeaway table as integer.

5. New line .algy_icon is added in style.css

5. modification in menu.php file as : 

line 464 will be

// allergy list

  $all_q=mysql_query("SELECT `id`,`image` FROM `foodallergy` ");








      $prefix='<img class="algy_icon" src="'.$iid.'"/>';

      $item_n_name=$item['item']." &nbsp;&nbsp; ".$prefix;




then all $item['name'] will be replaced by $item_n_name; thats it.